Christians Meddling in the Affairs of this World

Christians Meddling in the Affairs of this World

A brother writes: In John 18:36 our Lord is recorded as saying “My Kingdom is not of this world” ; we take this to mean that the consecrated have no part in the affairs of this world, as it is not our time to do so. When the Church is complete (head and body) then we will meddle in the affairs of this world. In the meantime we should be living our lives as pilgrims and sojourners. We are in this world, but we are not of it.

That being said, it boggles my mind to see and hear brethren with political agendas. A year ago was by far the worst that I have seen it, with the last Presidential election and watching brethren on Social Media taking sides on LGBT, illegals, gun control, etc. and attacking each other. Some even admitting that they vote. It’s just mind blowing. Is it any wonder that out Lord asked “when the Son of Man returns, will he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8)

Such is to be expected of the professing church (the church nominal) as they have made it a habit to meddle in the affairs of this world almost from the very beginning (that is as soon as the fathers fell asleep). They have always felt it was their responsibility to impose the dictates of Christ upon the world, forgetting that as sinners, men “are not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can they be.” (Rom. 8:7), nevertheless they vainly attempt to usher in the kingdom of God by force.

However one would expect better of the Lord’s consecrated people. They know very well that the present order (society as it presently exists) cannot be saved, but must make way for the new order to come, that very soon this present evil world (age) is to pass away with a great noise (hissing, turmoil and confusion) in the great time of trouble which is upon us, in which the elements (society in general) will melt with fervent heat (dissolve into confusion and trouble, into violence, anarchy and bloodshed); both the earth (the present social order) and the works that are in it burned up (dissolved) 2 Pet 3:10-12 this cannot be averted; the present order must make way for the kingdom of God and his Christ.

As our Lord stated, “My Kingdom is not of this world (age)”, not of this present order or arrangement of things. As it was not the mission of our Lord to rule the world at his first advent, but to lay down his life for the world, so it is not the mission of the Church to rule the world (to attempt to impose the Laws of God upon the world), but rather to “lay down our lives for the brethren.” (1 John 3:16) R2415:3

“Our sympathies lie, of course, with the whole groaning creation crying for just rights and justice. But the Christian was not asked to throw his or her efforts into social reform, improved legislation or political issues. Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world, else would my servants fight.” (John 18:36)

If the Lord’s kingdom were of this world then it would be incumbent upon all the true followers of the Lord to fight to better it in any way which they could, but it is not.

“The true Christian knows that the day of blessing and the day of ‘refreshing’ and ‘the restitution of all things’ must await the return of the Lord. It is then that Christ sets up his Kingdom. It is then that Christ removes the Kingdoms of this world, both the civil and religious ruling power of earth, replacing them with a new civil and religious ruling power. Originally, all Christians held to this view. They knew their part and lot was not to try to remake the Kingdoms of this world in to the Kingdom of God. They knew they were not to enter the world’s politics, nor to enter its wars.”

It is a sad spectacle to see so many deluded Christians in support of this present evil world, this is nowhere better evidenced then in their constant meddling in politics and in the affairs of government in their vain efforts of averting the downward direction of this nation. Had they studied the word of the Lord more properly they would have realized that such was to be expected as outlined in prophecy, and that their frugal attempt to arrest this downward trend, to up-hold the present order puts them at odds with God.

You unfaithful people! Don’t you know that love for this [present evil] world is hatred toward God? Whoever wants to be a friend of this world is an enemy of God.” (James 4:4 God’s Word Translation)

It seems rather odd that one would pray, ‘Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven (i.e. pray for the “new heavens”, under the powers and leadership of the glorified Christ head and body, and for the “new earth”, the new social order to be established under that leadership, the kingdom of righteousness)’, and then in the same breath pray that the Lord should heal the present “heavens and earth”.

This they unknowingly do when they vainly offer up prayers pleading the Lord to heal this nation in which we live, that it might once again be returned to the Christian values of which it was supposedly founded.

Do they imagine somehow that this nation is somehow apart or separate from the present “heavens and earth”, apart from this present evil world? That it is not a part of the professed Christian nations of this world, styled Christendom, which the Lord designates, Babylon?

Our citizenship is in heaven.” (Phil. 3:20) “Ye are not of this world.” (John 17:14) “Set your affections on things above and not on things of the earth.”

If we have changed our allegiance from this world to heaven, we are aliens and not citizens of this country, and should claim and use only such favors as are accorded to aliens. We should not vote or hold public office, nor in any way attempt to meddle in the affairs of this world. Would you as a foreigner in another country take for example Great Britain be able to run for office, for Parliament? No, Why, because you were not a citizen of that country. The same applies to the true Christian in any nation in which he may resided, he is no longer a citizen of this world and as such has no business interfering in the affairs of this world, most especially entering its governments.

Now it’s true we are to pray for our leaders and those in authority over us, that they do the best they can, and that they be just and honorable, but praying to sustain this nation, which is a part of this present evil world seems a bit counterproductive. As Christians our allegiance is to the Lord alone, our chief prayer is “Thy will be done”, and if it be the Lord’s will that the present order of things be brought to an end, then so be it. We cannot pray to the Almighty with the expectation that he will change His plans to conform to ours.

Now understand just because we know the truth in this regards, that the present order of things is soon to pass away does not in any way give us license to oppose earthly governments in any outward or public manner, we may have an opinion (one which we would do well to keep to ourselves), but that is as far as it should go. The public reproof and overthrow of the present order of things will come from the Lord alone and in his due time (Even now he is mustering his forces from the four winds, the Lord’s Great Army). While our citizenship is in heaven, nevertheless, like all other foreigners, we are to be subject to the laws of the country in which we live, or as the Scriptures so express it,

Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.” Rom 13:1-2

The spirit of submission, rather than of contention, is enjoined upon the whole Church in its relationship to civil ordinances of men. “Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man, for the Lord’s sake.” (1 Pet. 2:13)

We may not like some of the various laws and degrees imposed upon us in the land in which we resided, but nevertheless we are to summit to them as being of the Lord.

“It is our business to render obedience to the laws insofar as these do not infringe upon our consciences; but this does not mean that we are to become partisans in the political strife’s and debates amongst men.”

“Frustration with “the kingdoms of this world“-the inequalities, inconsistencies, the unrighteousness (the moral decay)-is understandable. The Christian is to “Lift up a standard for the people” (Isa 62:10) and to “Let your light so shine before men” (Matt 5:16). Now does holding up a standard and letting your light shine give you authority to work with earthly governments? Heavens No! Christians are not to involve themselves in this world’s affairs, politics, social reforms and etc., but instead to wait for the Kingdom of God when he will set up His kingdom, and establish righteousness in the earth.


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