Why Evil Was Permitted and Related Topics, Part 9

Why Evil Was Permitted and Related Topics, Part 9

The lie which deceived in Eden–“Thou shalt not surely die“–has been the teaching of the devil through all generations since. He has taught it to all heathen peoples, and among those who are God’s children–Christians–he has succeeded in getting many to believe him instead of God. But since death has come, he offsets the logical conclusions by saying that the real being (the soul) is not dead; that merely the house (the flesh) has died, and that the being (the soul) himself which you cannot see, is immortal–indestructible.

Upon this falsehood he has built up in the minds of many of God’s professed people the belief in a place of endless torment for the supposed endless being, which doctrine is a blasphemy on the character of Jehovah and a contradiction of his word, which repeatedly declares thatthe wages of sin is DEATH” (NOT life in torment), andthe soul (being) that sins, it shall die” (not live on in misery).

Satan is the father of all lies (errors, false teachings and etc.), and like all lies they are generally supported one lie upon another, thus in order to support the false doctrine (or lie) of eternal torment as the wages of sin another false doctrine (or lie) is propagated viz. the false teaching of the immortality of the soul.

By these false doctrines and teachings Satan causes the statements of God’s word to sound like mockery when it declares--“God is love“–“God so loved the world,” etc. But while Satan may have supposed that he was opposing Jehovah by making the pathway which leads by Faith to glory, rugged and steep and hard to climb, yet we can see that God is still making use of evil to accomplish his plans; for thenarrow way,” and careful walk and great faith are essential elements in the development of the little flock, to whom it is the Father’s good pleasure to give the kingdom“–“The Christ (anointed) of God.”

Every truth of God seems to be opposed with a specious (plausible but deceptive) error, and every error of Satan’s which we receive is a hindrance to our reception of some truth of God; and likewise every word of God’s truth which we get a firm hold of, repels at once the error of the enemy.

Let us give the more earnest heed to the word of Godwhich is able to make us wise unto salvation” (the great salvation promised to the over-comers—the Bride).

Soon Satan’s power must wane. When in God’s plan evil has served its designed purposes, the Lord will take to himself his great power and reign (Rev. 11:17), and the rule which Satan now bears over those who do his will, will be overthrown, and a new age ushered in, the law and controlling power of which will be righteousness–a great contrast, indeed, withthe present evil world” (age).

This taking of control is described by Jesus in a parable–Mark 3:27. And again, in Rev. 20:2, it is represented in a pen picture as a binding of Satan with a strong chain of power for a thousand years. When bound he has not yet met his doom–destruction–but will merely be restrained from deceiving the nations until the end of the millennial age. Then all mankind having come to know good and evil, and having been restored to perfection of being, should and could resist all temptation, and if Satan were again to present temptation, they should oppose it and him, else they are as guilty as he.

And so we read, Satan is again permitted to try the restored perfect human family, who now know by experience (gained through the permission of evil) what sin is, and what God’s love is (during the Medeatorial of Christ); and, strange as it may seem, a number still chose to follow and join the rebellion of the angels– yet we cannot doubt that the number will be small in comparison with the numbers who shall live in harmony with God.

The agency of evil being then ended, all evil will be wiped out; andEVERY knee shall bow, and every tongue confess (Jesus) to the glory of God the Father.”–Phil. 2:11. As Paul declares (writing of Christ and his body-church): “The very God of peace shall bruise Satan (crush the serpent’s head– destroy him) under your feet shortly.”–Rom. 16:20. Paul again declares that the destruction of Satan and the evil which he has caused, was the object of Jesus’ coming into the world and dying–“That through death he might destroy him that had the power of death,–that is, the devil.”–Heb. 2:14.

John also adds his testimony that “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil“–ALL EVIL (1 John 3:8).

C.–How wonderful it seems! To think that God has for over six thousand years permitted not only men, but angels, to misunderstand his great wisdom, power, and love that in due time those attributes might shine with ten-fold brilliancy. This furnishes us a key, too, to our Christian experience. How often, while endeavoring to walk in Jesus’ footsteps, and to overcome evil with good, we are misunderstood and our purposes maligned. “The world knows us not because it knew him not.”– 1 John 3:1.

B.I want to say to you before leaving, that I am much rejoiced to see clearly as I now do, why God permitted evil; that it was not, that he had elected ninety to hell to each one chosen for glory, and introduced evil as a pretext to justify their damnation: nor, on the other hand, was it because God could not help its introduction, and lacked wisdom to foresee, and power to avert it; but that he arranged for its introduction, and our recovery from it as the embodiment of WISDOM, LOVE, and MERCY.

A.What a privilege is ours, dear friends, to be living during the fulfillment of theSeventh Trumpet,” during whichthe mystery of God shall be finished.”–Rev. 10:7. As the mystery and cloud of error and evil begins to roll away, and we get a glimpse of our Father’s loving plans, how it rejoices and refreshes our hearts to see him as, indeed, a God of Love. Let us lift up our hearts and rejoice, as we see that the glorious millennial day is dawning and that soon—

His truth shall break through every cloud that vails and darkens his designs.”

In the light of the unfolding plan, Cowper’s lines seem almost an inspiration:

God moves in a mysterious way,

His wonders to perform;

He plants his footsteps in the sea,

And rides upon the storm.

Deep in unfathomable mines

Of never-failing skill,

He treasures up his bright designs,

And works his sovereign will.

Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take,

The clouds ye so much dread

Are big with mercy, and shall break

In blessings on your head.

Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,

But trust him for his grace;

Behind a frowning providence

He hides a smiling face.

His purposes will ripen fast,

Unfolding every hour;

The bud may have a bitter taste,

But sweet will be the flower.

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