The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins, Part 8

The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins, Part 8

Returning to Verse 7:

And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.”

We note that the very first thing to happen after the midnight cry is that the virgins awoke. (They had been slumbering—see Verse 5.)

All of the virginsarose” (awoke) and trimmed their lamps. The hour of the beast is fast approaching when the nominal Church will come into power (as in the days of old). Soon we will see the forces gathering in a very realistic way (not in an imaginary or theoretical way). The end of the Church (the true Church, this side of the Vail) will really be in sight. When this occurs, ALL of the virgins will know that the end is very close. Even those who at present do not believe the nominal Church is coming back into power will see that they had a misconception regarding the whole subject. All of their consecrated lives, they have denied and preached against the nominal Church’s return to power, but when it is actually happening, they will know they were wrong.

Wouldn’t that make them search their hearts as to how and why they have been deceived on the subject?

Thus there will come a trimming of the lamps (an examination of one’s self, one’s character, as well as the scriptures).

Verses 7 and 8: When the wise class see this event happening, they will want to make sure they are in the proper heart condition too—not just the foolish virgins. The wise virgins will also want to hone the truth. Thus all of the virgins will trim their lamps, but the perspective and attitudes will differ between the wise and the foolish classes.

In trimming their lamps, the foolish virgins will find an inadequacy of oil because they have not sufficiently studied the subject of prophecy. Because they do not anticipate the Church-State system, it will come upon them suddenly. Consequently, they will need information. They will have to be indoctrinated in regard to what they missed during the many years that they stressed the importance of character to the neglect of prophecy.

Many have neglected to note the Word of God states that, “ALL Scripture (and this includes prophecy, which makes up a large proportion of the Holy Writ) … is profitable… that the man of God be thoroughly furnished.” (2 Tim 3:16, 17)

Verses 10–12: Later on, the foolish virgins will come back with the oil, only to find that the door is shut (i.e. entry to the wedding). They will try to get in, crying,Lord, Lord, open to us,” but Jesus will not open the door for them.

In the fulfillment, when Babylon falls, it will be obvious that the door had PREVIOUSLY been shut. The fall (or dissolution) of all the nominal churches will be evidence that the door was shut earlier. People will no longer go to church. Angry and disillusioned, they will be preoccupied with trying to get food and the necessities of life. In effect, it will be like a voice from heaven saying to the consecrated left behind, “The Bride has made herself ready, but there is still a blessing if you should be called to the marriage supper” (Rev 19:7,9 paraphrase).

The point is that if the whole parable is advanced, it fits beautifully. In fact, it seems to fit even more pointedly in that the parable is brought a little closer in connection with the time period that is involved. For instance, we have the Millerite movement, the Elijah pictures, and the Daniel prophecies. And then in the parable, instead of the going forth to meet the Bridegroom being from 1844 to 1874 (Verse 1), it would be from 1874 to 1914, followed by disappointment.

An advancement of the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins dovetails with the Parable of the Penny and with the four places (Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho, and Jordan) that Elijah went after the cave experience of seeing the wind, earthquake, fire, and still, small voice. The disappointment of the parable, then, would be the 1914 date rather than the Millerite movement, which ended in 1844.

Continued with next post.

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