Stumbling in the Way, Part 26

Stumbling in the Way, Part 26

The Fifth Church, Sardis.

The name Sardis, in a more modified application, meansthat which remainsin the sense of a used garment or remnant; something out of which the life or virtue has departed. As its name implies, Sardis was the remains of the true Church carried over from Thyatira. The slow, persistent crushing oppression of former centuries had left telling effects. “Worn out” by a long series of bloody persecutions, the object of which was to exterminate the opposition and thus silence the voice of protest against the Jezebel system, these discouraged witnesses of Christ needed special help from the Master to strengthen and enable them to resume their divinely appointed work (Dan. 7:25). To these survivors of the former era, the message of the Sardis Church is especially directed.

However, there is an additional etymological thrust to this message. The name Sardis, as it applies to the false, pretending Church, takes on the harsher connotation of remnant in the sense of (a) refuse or sweepings and (b) carnality, “Sardis was notorious for its immorality.” (The Keys of Revelation, Page 67)

This Church is relatively short in duration 150 years (A.D. 1371-1521). It is a NOT, however, lacking in events.

As we enter the period, Europe is just recovering from the great Black Death which has made its population either very pious or very devil-may-care. The Avigon “captivity” of the Papacy is nearing its conclusion, but its results will be harder yet on Papacy. The Great Schism of A.D. 1378-1418 will find a minimum of TWO popes vying for power (and sometimes THREE!)

The 100 Years War is in progress which makes England hate France with a passion and makes England despise the Pope who has taken up residence in France. For a brief moment, the DOOR IS OPEN for an overt challenge of Papacy. Wycliffe steps through that door, and history blesses his efforts. Of course, it would be too much to expect Papacy to give up without a battle. Once the Italian Pope regains ascendancy, the persecutions are rekindled and reach terrible proportions with many public burnings and with the famous atrocities of the Spanish Inquisition which begins in 1492 as Columbus sets sail for the New World.

This period will also see the beginning of the Renaissance, the invention of printing with moveable type, the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire to the Islamic Turks, the end of Islam in Europe (courtesy of the Spanish Inquisition), the building of the Vatican and St. Peter’s in Rome, and the arrival on the scene of one priest by the name of Luther as the age closes.

As the Thyatira Period had given the world the Bible in French, now, by the hand of Wycliffe, the Sardis Period gives the world the Bible in English.

It is also significant to know that at the time of the beginning of Sardis, Biblical students were in expectation of the Lord’s return. They were aware of Daniel’s 1335dayprophecy and had concluded that 1335 years from the crucifixion brought them to A.D. 1368. (An understandable misinterpretation, nevertheless) This expectation is important in understanding some of the symbolism’s of this Church, Seal, and Trumpet.

Remember too that this period is the first WOE predicted because of the voice of the final three Trumpets. When we read the Revelation 3 account of Sardis, it sounds like the bottom of the barrel of the Church’s experiences. But this is not so. It is easiest to understand the matter if we relate it to the seasonal change into winter. December 21st is the beginning of winter which many dread. Indeed, some of the worst weather is in January and February. BUT and this is a very important BUT, in actuality, the DAYS ARE GETTING LONGER from December 21st onward. Thus, while the worst is yet to come weather-wise, the amount of daylight is ACTUALLY INCREASING.

So, it is with Sardis. It is, in one sense, the dark, dark, night of the Dark Ages; but it is at the same moment the dawning of the Reformation. Thus is Wycliffe called in history, “THE MORNING STAR OF THE REFORMATION.”

The light is dramatically increasing; the groundwork for Philadelphia is being strongly prepared. Sardis is THE TURNING POINT.” (N.A.N.O.R. Page 96)

We will take a look at the fifth angel in our next post.

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