Stumbling in the Way, Part 36

Stumbling in the Way, Part 36


The relationship between the sixth and seventh stages of the Church seems unique. In all of the chapters dealing with the sixth Church, the sixth Seal, and sixth Trumpet, there are fingers pointing forward to the seventh or last stage of the Church. This is likely because the Time of the End begins in the sixth stage and continues into the seventh. Even though the seventh introduces many new things, it must also deal with the consummation of the things which only had a beginning in the sixth stage. Realizing this can help in the interpretation and the understanding of several of the prophecies describing the sixth Church, Seal and Trumpet.


Rev 3:10Here the Hour of Temptation (a 7th period event) is mentioned in the Sixth Church. It is said to beabout to come.”

Rev 3:11Here Jesus warnsI am coming SPEEDILY” (Diaglott). This warning seems appropriate in that the 6th stage goes out with so much still going on that the transition might easily be missed.

Rev 7:3 The coming trouble (winds which hurt) is warned against but said not to come until the sealing is complete. Instead of dropping the subject with that statement, the Revelator CONTINUES his narration to explain how many WILL BE SEALED (which will not occur until the seventh stage is complete.) And, while he is at it, he explains the by-product class (the Great Multitude.)

Rev 10:6Here is the same messenger as we find in Dan. 12 prophesying the 1260 days saying, THE PROPHESIED TIME IS ACCOMPLISHED. But, to ensure that we know more is coming, he shows in Verse 7 that more would be revealed when the seventh angel sounds.

Rev 10:11Here, after the disappointments of Adventism (Verse 10), it is stated that more prophesying comes later (in the 7th stage.)

Rev 11:13In this verse we are left with expectation. When it states that a TENTH of the city fell, we must question, What about the other nine-tenths??? This, of course, is left for the seventh stage of the church.

Rev 6:14-17While these verses can (and should) be applied to the French Revolution (the TENTH part of the city which fell before the seventh stage), it is FULL of terminology reserved in Old Testament passages for the seventh stage. Notable among these are Joel 2:10 and Isaiah 34. The lesson seems to be:


IN HARMONY with all of this is Dan. 12 which first prophesies the 1260 days (The Time of The End), but carries us on to BLESSED IS HE WHO WAITS UNTO THE 1335 DAYS. The connection is unmistakable.

We begin with the Sixth Church in our next post.

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