The Only Way to Heaven, Part 21

The Only Way to Heaven, Part 21

The Ark of the Covenant or Ark of the Testimony was the only article of furniture in the Most Holy. (Heb 9:2–4 Diaglott footnote) Its name suggests that it illustrated the embodiment of Jehovah’s plan, which he had purposed in himself, before the beginning of the creation of God—before the minutest development of his plan had taken place. It represented the eternal purpose of God—his foreordained arrangement of riches of grace for mankind in (and through) the Christ (Head and Body)—`the hidden mystery.’ It therefore represents Christ Jesus and his Bride, the `little flock,’ to be partakers of the divine nature, and to be imbued with the power and great glory—the prize of our high calling—the joy set before our Lord, and all the members of his Body.” (T121)

The slab (or lid) which covered the Ark of the Covenant was called the Mercy Seat or Propitiatory (Exod 25:17; 37:6); and yet it represented more particularly that most basic and fundamental attribute of Jehovah’s character— one that can know no mercy, Justice.” (See T124)

It was here that Israel’s high priests had once each year to sprinkle the blood of atonement, to satisfy the demands of a violated Justice. Only then could the high priest come forth as the administrator of God’s mercy, to bless the people with forgiveness and peace.

In the New Testament, our Lord Jesus is referred to as both the propitiation (hilasmos)—1 John 2:2; 4:10—and propitiatory (hilasterion)—Rom 3:25, Rotherham, Fenton, Wilson. The former of these expressions means “satisfaction” whereas the latter means “the place of satisfaction”—i.e., the place where satisfaction is made (justice is satisfied); hilasterion has been so translated in Hebrews 9:5. (See also E442)

Putting first things first, we see that God’s Mercy (an essential element of his love) could not act on behalf of sinners until Justice had been satisfied, how beautifully this also is illustrated in the position of the two cherubim representing Love and Power upon the “Mercy Seat.”

The two cherubim represent divine love and divine power. These attributes, justice the foundation principle, and love and power of the same quality or essence, and lifted up out of it are in perfect harmony. They are all made of one piece (Exod 37:6-8): they are thoroughly one. Neither Love nor Power can be exercised until Justice is fully satisfied. Then they fly to help, to lift up and to bless. They were on the wing, ready, waiting; looking inward toward the `Mercy Seat’ toward Justice, to know when to move.” (T125)

Over yonder is the stream of God’s Mercy, dammed up by Justice. In the dam, however, is a sluice gate, representing that God intended to find a way in which he could remain just and yet justify the sinner who would believe. The sluice gate would permit the waters to pass beyond the dam if someone would only open it. This is just what Jesus did by way of his ransom sacrifice, so that the gate which once was an integral part of the dam of God’s Justice, now becomes the channel of blessing.

It is just so that the cover of the ark first of all represents God’s Justice, but after the sprinkling of the blood of atonement upon it, it becomes the “Mercy Seat” or channel by way of which God’s Mercy flows man-ward.

Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness [by extension: the realm of truth] and peace [by extension: the realm of mercy and love] have kissed each other.” (Psa 85:10)

As for the rectangular box overlaid with gold upon which the Mercy Seat was placed this represented the divine nature granted to the glorified Church. (T121)

As the Ark represented the Christ, so the Mercy Seat or cover represents God,The head of Christ is God” (1 Cor 11:13)

Thus we conclude our study of the “Only Way to Heaven“.​

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